Cara Delevingne Capsule Collection for DKNY


Donna Karan New York is known for it’s young, casual chic, and up-and-coming styles. Lately, the face of this brand has been model, Cara Delevingne. Delevingne has already appeared in the four campaigns for DKNY in the past two years. Now Delevingne is becoming known for her own designs — and paired up with DKNY to create a brand new 15-piece capsule collection for this fall.

#regram @donnakarandkny with my new crew @badtatts @lioneon @queenlilakoi @jalenthealien @sehirphotographer @askulloffoxes #CARAD4DKNY #carawantsyou @donnakarandkny

The collection is spunky, sport, and urban. Although it follows the well-established DKNY style, every piece is religiously tailored to Cara’s own personal style. The collection includes pants, tops, beanie hats, sports bras, a leather jacket, letterman jackets, a blazer, a fur trimmed winter jacket, and even an assortment of athletic onesies. The clothing sticks to a simple black, gray, navy, and yellow theme. And Cara even designed her own name into various pieces of the collection.








The models for this collection were actually picked by Cara herself from her instagram followers, using the hashtag: #carawantsyou.

Soo.. SURPRISE! We've been working with @caradelevingne to create a special capsule collection due out later this year! But first: CARA WANTS YOU!! Cara & DKNY will be casting for one week only for a few lucky fans to get to come to NYC and model the special collection WITH CARA (!!) in a photoshoot for the campaign. 


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But if you want to get your hands on this collection too, starting October 15th, the DKNY-Cara capsule collection is available at the Madison Avenue store, Bloomingdale’s 59th St. store, and online at Prices range anywhere from $70 to $375.

To really imitate Delevingne’s casual, sexy, chic look don’t be afraid to mismatch and layer these pieces, wear your hair natural and toss a beanie over it, and bottom-line, whatever you’re wearing: just own it.

Introducing @askulloffoxes #CARAD4DKNY #carawantsyou @donnakarandkny